Nau mai haere mai | Welcome!

We are in currently building the platform with the help of industry and the community.

The Voluntarily platform is live and working today but we still need help making it better. 

We need you to be part of the movement 🙌🏼

Volunteer in schools

Firstly we need Businesses, NGOs and anyone else that wants to offer volunteer time to come on board so we can help schools. If you just want to help a school then you can sign up right now.

Volunteer to build!

If you have skills to help build the Voluntarily software project, we would love you to join our build community.
We keep an active product roadmap and backlog so there is plenty to roll up your sleeves and help build.

Please join us, but first… our code of conduct

Before you join the Voluntarily whanau, please agree to the code of conduct.
TL;DR Be excellent to each other, and have a good time 🥳