August 2019 - "Beta" get ready !
August 2019 Update - “Beta” get ready !!!!!
August is coming to close and with that being said here is an update video from our very own Walter Lim.
Just like the title you “Beta get ready “ for this new update!
Voluntarily Bio of the Month !
August’s Bio of the year is Minh Phu Lai ! Read about what Minh does for Voluntarily and his answers to our FAST 5 QUESTIONS
Minh Phu Lai
1. What do you do for Voluntarily?
I am a developer contributor for Voluntarily. Ive worked on the date filter , API’s and bugs.
2. What do you do besides Voluntarily?
I am a second year Computer Science student at AUT. I really enjoy it because its really
3. What do you like about Voluntarily?
I like that Voluntarily is a massive opportunity for all up coming developers to learn and experience the MERN stack.Voluntarily gives a real life experience in a dev team where it covers version control and Agile practice.
4. What do you do in your space time?
What I do in my spare time is reading books about finances. Gyming and hiking.
5. What would you tell your 14 year old self?
Don’t be afraid and learn to say yes to opportunities!