Volunteering in schools

 He rā pōuri tēnei - It’s a sad day

The Voluntarily Project is an initiative of the Pam Fergusson Charitable Trust. After ten years of robots and coding and all the exciting tech you can imagine, we are sad to announce that the trust is shutting our doors.😭🦄 Voluntarily is an open source project and anyone interested in continuing the mahi or using it for their own amazing idea will be able to find it on github.

Read more from our co-founder, Vaughan, here on his blog.

in schools

Connecting awesome
experts with classes


We add smarts to your volunteering. Voluntarily is a matchmaking platform to connect awesomely skilled volunteers with schools who need a hand.

How it works

Volunteers are connected to work with a classroom or teacher on a project to learn to code, perform experiments, design and build things or learn what ever super power they have.


1. Volunteers

Sign up specifying their super powers and how they can help educators or classrooms


2. Schools

Make requests for help in a classroom or for some 1:1 time with an educator


3. Safe match

Voluntarily safely matches volunteers to schools. We take care of vetting and training of volunteers so they are “school ready”


4. Awesome happens

On the day volunteers and classes have an awesome time and inspire each other


Want to volunteer?


List how you want to help
Let people know how you can help out in your community


Voluntarily finds you people who want help
Our matchmaking system finds you people who are looking for your skills and time


Want help?


List what you need help with
Let volunteers what you need help with, when you need help, and volunteers will get involved


Voluntarily finds you volunteers that are keen
Our matchmaking system finds skilled volunteers who want to help you

Partner with us

We are actively looking for partners to help us build and launch the platform. Get in touch below if you can help.

 Built by industry

Voluntarily is built by volunteers in the tech community and is supported by the community. It’s an open source project and anyone is welcome to help out in creating it too. It’s a great project for those new to tech to be part of a team and build something real.

For more information on how you can participate in the project please contact us.

Thanks to our foundational supporters


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